Friday, November 3, 2017

Movember Day 3 - Eating Your Feelings

Welcome to day 3 of our Movember series.  People tend to forget that eating can be emotional.  They break healthy eating routines because they "miss" certain foods, when in reality, they miss the feelings that those foods gave them, or the feelings they helped them get away from.

We all have patterns, whether we realize it or not. 

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Movember Day 2 - Brush Off The Rush

One of the most common reasons people skip breakfast is lack of time.  Even though I tell people that there is always time for a healthy breakfast, sometimes my kids are late for the bus, I have to go to a meeting, and am nearing the status of "neighbor who has had his Halloween decorations up too long."  (This is a specific example.) 

So what can you do when  you are in a big hurry and don't have time for breakfast?  Enter the 10 Second Snack Bag. 

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Movember Day 1 - Why November is the BEST Month To Go Vegan!

This is an image of a Reese's Pieces Halloween Candy pack that my daughter brought home last night.

Are you ready for Movember yet?  According to the Movember Foundation, Movember is a time to grow a stache in support of mens health.  Our goal here is to promote a plant based, whole food lifestyle shift for 30 days, and what better 30 days than those in the month where the world is focused on stopping men from dying too young.  

I, personally, will be growing my full beard because a mustache

Monday, September 11, 2017

Fresh Start - A GREAT Vegan Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day


So adapting a breakfast that works in ALL timelines was important to me.  Here is my 5 Minute Oatmeal Recipe.  Literally, quick, delicious, and anyone can make it.  Also, little to no clean up necessary.  

Start With Oats - I love the 3 Minute Oats.  They only take me 2:30 to cook!

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Why I Stopped Being Vegan

My name is Mark, and I used to be a vegan. From Father's Day  of 2017 to around August 15th, (roughly 60 days) I ate a 100% whole grain, plant based diet.

So what happened?  Why did I quit.  I would imagine that if you are reading this blog you are more than likely one of my carnivore friends, enticed by the story of my pending failure.  Or maybe you are one of the people who was trying to follow along on our 30 day Vegan challenge, and you want to be sure I am not quitting because of some weird vegan disease or protein deficiency.  

Well, first, let me be clear.  I am not quitting.  This article is not about quitting.  It is about WHY I STOPPED.

I don't remember the exact day or the exact reason, but I remember thinking, "ah, it's only one meal.  I can go back to being vegan tomorrow."  And hence started the slippery slope.  From there, it was vegan breakfast followed by non vegan lunch, followed by donut, followed by other food.  Bottom line, I dropped off the wagon.  Then the wagon proceeded to drag me behind it for about 30 days.

And that's ok.

I stopped being vegan because I am human and because shit happens.  So why start again?  What makes tomorrow different than all the other days I was going to start my vegan lifestyle again?

Nothing really.  I just miss the level of health I achieved when  I was on a plant strong, whole food eating plan.  That's right, let me say that again...

"I miss the level of health I achieved."

On my first 30 days vegan, I lost about 13 lbs and was feeling more energetic than I had in years.  Today....tired....and bloated.....and lacking energy.

So why is this post important?

Because if you are one of the people who are subscribed to this blog, following me on Facebook, or just one of my friends, I want you to know that it is ok to screw up and start again.  That's what life is about.

I will be going plant based for the next 7 days and reporting back soon.  Be sure to subscribe to my blog at the top of this post!!!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Day 4 - How to Stop Sugar and Salt Cravings

A sweet tooth has never been my problem.  I am more of a greasy, salt lover.  My favorite guilty foods used to include pepperoni pizza, chicken wings, and ANY kind of lunch meat sandwich with mayonnaise (with salt added.)  My wife, on the other hand, has a sweet tooth.

So how do you stop sugar and salt cravings

Monday, July 10, 2017

Day 3 - Grab Your Nuts....And Berries

Think meal prep is complicated?  Think again.  Today, I want to talk about my two favorite breakfasts,

Catch Up On Movember!!!