Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Movember Day 1 - Why November is the BEST Month To Go Vegan!

This is an image of a Reese's Pieces Halloween Candy pack that my daughter brought home last night.

Are you ready for Movember yet?  According to the Movember Foundation, Movember is a time to grow a stache in support of mens health.  Our goal here is to promote a plant based, whole food lifestyle shift for 30 days, and what better 30 days than those in the month where the world is focused on stopping men from dying too young.  

I, personally, will be growing my full beard because a mustache
has never looked quite right on me.  The cause is worth supporting, and if you found your way here, I assume you are on board to make a positive change to your lifestyle and go Plant Strong for 30 days.

So, with that, lets go over some ground rules:

1.  If you are a woman, do not grow a mustache.  I mean, if you really want to, go ahead, but realistically, we all know that women are the head of the household, and the biggest way women can support the movement, in my opinion, is to push and support her entire family to give it a try. 

2.  Lets address the elephant in the room, THANKSGIVING.  I had one on one conversations with a few people about doing a 30 day plant based challenge in November, and the most common response I got was "and not eat Thanksgiving Dinner?"  I get it.  Some people dont want to give up Thanksgiving Dinner, and some just want to avoid feeling like an outcast.  How do we address that?  It's one day out of the month.  If you need to break your streak, break it on Thanksgiving.  Keep it in perspective.  Going 29 days healthy and skipping one is ok.  Skipping all 30 BECAUSE of 1 is not.

3.  Lets go back to the Reese's.  It's November 1.  My kids went trick or treating last night.  This candy was on my floor.  I ate it.  30 days ruined?  Nope. 1 snack ruined.  In fact, if you have Halloween Candy, or snacks laying around, DO NOT make the resolution that you are giving them up forever.  I would be willing to bet that is how most healthy eating fails.  What I would say is to eat as much of it today as you can.  Make yourself sick.  Maybe you wont want it tomorrow.

So if you are starting today, congratulations.  If you are going to polish off that candy and start tomorrow, more power to you.  Need a suggestion for breakfast tomorrow?  
Try this awesome Plant Strong Oatmeal!

Catch Up On Movember!!!